Tree Plantings
Forest landowners are engaged in a variety of forest practices but, for many, the driving force behind managing their woodlot is tree planting. Tree planting is popular with forest landowners for a number of reasons. Landowners need no special equipment other than a shovel and pail to plant on their property. They derive personal satisfaction from ‘creating’ a forest. When the planting is done, they can watch as, year after year, bright green, newly grown trees begin to appear where there was once only weeds and brush. Many people take great pleasure in finding signs of wildlife in a newly planted field where no signs had been before.
Many landowners plant trees for purely economic reasons. Statistics say that each citizen of the United States utilizes the equivalent of one tree per person per year. With our growing population, the demand for quality timber and timber by-products is higher than ever. As mature, quality hardwood timber depletes in acreage, people are replanting these valuable trees. They may plant with long-range goals such as pulpwood and sawlog sales in mind. Although they may not live long enough to watch the harvest of a young black cherry seedling they plant, they can take joy in the fact that they have supplied such a valuable commodity for future generations.
The list of reasons can go on and on, but whatever the reason, tree planting has always been and will always be a very popular forest practice.
However, when planning your tree planting, many factors need to be investigated closely before any on-site work is begun. It is a good idea to have a knowledgeable professional visit the site to be planted before investing any time or money.
A DCNR – Bureau of Forestry Service Forester from your county is available to visit your planting site to guide you in you tree planting endeavor. They can be found at: