Big Trees of Crawford County
There are some big trees out there in Crawford County and we’re looking for the biggest!
Locating a tree to nominate is the first task in the nomination process. The easiest way to do this is to keep your eyes open when outside! Keep in mind that not all champions are giants. Look for both naturalized and native species, as well as shrub species. Below is the list of species we’re looking for.
Searching for a specific tree species may be a good way to begin your big tree search. There are several books that can provide information to help with identification. Your local forester may also help. You will also need the current register to see how your tree measures up to the current champion. Keep in mind that current champs can be “dethroned” and that there are several species without a county champion. You may also have a state champ Big Tree. If your tree measures up we can also submit it for the Pennsylvania Big Tree Register.
A nomination form must be filled out for each nominated tree. Information that is required includes:
- Circumference in inches at 4-1/2 feet above the ground
- Height in feet
- Crown spread in feet
- Common and scientific name
- Date measured and by whom
- Exact location (include map)
- Owner’s name and address
- Nominator’s name and address
- Any additional information
- Photograph, if possible
A “How-To Measure A Big Tree” is included with each download of our nomination form.
To see some of our current champs be sure to check out the picture gallery or just click on the picture link for each tree.
If you think your tree measures up and don’t want to measure it yourself, let us know and we’ll come out to measure it for you!
To nominate your big tree call (814) 763-2545 or (814) 763-5269.
Crawford County Big Tree Nomination Application
Click Here for the Big Trees of Crawford County Photo Album
Species (common name) | Latin name | LANDOWNER | CIRCUM | HEIGHT | CROWN | POINTS | DATE MEAS. | PIC Y/N |
Box Elder | Acer negundo | VACANT | ||||||
Red Maple | Acer rubrum | David Yasenchack | 140″ | 98′ | 87′ | 260.0 | 7/9/06 | N |
Acer rubrum | Allegheny College | 139″ | 94′ | 88′ | 256.0 | 6/10/09 | Y | |
Acer rubrum
Acer rubrum |
J. Hennip
Carl & Neil Bradshaw |
217″ |
98′ |
86’avg |
336.0 |
10/31/21 |
Y | |
Silver Maple | Acer saccharinum | Linda Dudek | 228″ | 89′ | 94′ | 341.0 | 6/14/07 | Y |
Sugar Maple | Acer saccharum | Jason Pears | 173″ | 79′ | 62′ | 270.0 | 10/1/06 | N |
Acer saccharum | Army Corp of Engineers | 117″ | 109′ | 58′ | 241.0 | 7/18/05 | Y | |
Horsechestnut | Aesculus hippocastanum | Allegheny College | 128″ | 67′ | 44′ | 206.0 | 7/20/05 | Y |
Serviceberry | Amelanchier spp. | Joe Goertz & Denise Hudson | 51″ | 69′ | 25′ | 126.0 | 7/16/10 | Y |
Amelanchier spp. | Guy& Wilma Dunkle | 49″ | 47′ | 37′ | 104.0 | 2/10/09 | Y | |
Yellow Birch | Betula alleghaniensis | John Hennip | 129″ | 63′ | 44′ | 203.0 | 6/5/07 | Y |
Sweet Birch | Betula lenta | VACANT | ||||||
Paper Birch | Betula papyrifera | Lisa McQuiston | 91″ | 70′ | 57′ | 175.0 | 5/20/09 | Y |
American Hornbeam | Carpinus caroliniana | VACANT | ||||||
Bitternut Hickory | Carya cordiformis | M. Simmons | 112″ | 97′ | 53′ | 222.5 | 6/30/08 | Y |
Pignut Hickory | Carya glabra | David Yasenchack | 100″ | 99′ | 47′ | 211.0 | 7/9/06 | N |
Shagbark hickory | Carya ovata | Black Ash Sportsman’s | 81″ | 85′ | 45′ | 177.5 | 9/11/08 | Y |
Carya ovata | Jeffrey & Janet Peters | 99″ | 51′ | 55.5′ | 163.5 | 5/20/09 | Y | |
American Chestnut | Castanea dentata | VACANT | ||||||
Chinese Chestnut | Castanea mollisima | Jeffrey & Janet Peters | 121″ | 48′ | 67′ | 186.0 | 5/20/09 | Y |
Catalpa | Catalpa bignonioides | D. Outlaw | 210″ | 60′ | 70′ | 287.5 | 7/24/06 | N |
Buttonbush | Cephalanthus occidentalis | Calvin Ernst | 20″ | 14′ | 13′ | 37.5 | 6/14/07 | Y |
White Cedar | Chamaecyparis thyoides | Dale Cummings | 104″ | 59′ | 44′ | 174.0 | 5/18/06 | Y |
Flowering Dogwood | Cornus florida | VACANT | ||||||
Persimmon | Diospyros virginiana | VACANT | ||||||
American Beech | Fagus grandifolia | Heidi Moorehead | 127″ | 67′ | 68′ | 211.0 | 11/16/05 | N |
White Ash | Fraxinus americana | Wm. & Marian Ulrich | 201″ | 88′ | 96′ | 312.5 | 11/16/05 | Y |
Black Ash | Fraxinus nigra | VACANT | ||||||
Green Ash | Fraxinus pennsylvanica | VACANT | ||||||
Honey Locust | Gleditsia triacanthos | VACANT | ||||||
Butternut | Juglans cinerea | Ed Knuff | 172″ | 91′ | 98′ | 287.5 | 11/16/05 | Y |
Black Walnut | Juglans nigra | Mark & Wendy Nickerson | 158″ | 76′ | 78′ | 253.5 | 6/22/09 | Y |
Juglans nigra | Deni Debaise | 150″ | 79′ | 83′ | 250.0 | 11/16/05 | Y | |
Juglans nigra | J. Peterson | 127″ | 75′ | 71′ | 219.5 | 6/30/08 | Y | |
Eastern Redcedar | Juniperus virginiana | VACANT | ||||||
European Larch | Larix decidua | D. Steadman | 113″ | 57′ | 67′ | 187.0 | 9/11/08 | Y |
Japanese Larch | Larix kaempferi | J. Hennip | 82″ | 92′ | 27′ | 181.0 | 6/10/09 | Y |
American Larch | Larix laricina | VACANT | ||||||
Sweetgum | Liquidambar stryraciflua | VACANT | ||||||
Tulip Poplar | Liriodendron tulipifera | Greendale Cemetery | 128″ | 119′ | 80.5′ | 267.0 | 11/16/09 | Y |
Liriodendron tulipifera | Karlin Marsh | 106″ | 116′ | 69′ | 239.0 | 2/10/09 | Y | |
Liriodendron tulipifera | Bruce Stephens | 111″ | 97′ | 63′ | 224.0 | 10/9/07 | Y | |
Liriodendron tulipifera | Karlin Marsh | 109″ | 102′ | 49′ | 223.5 | 2/10/09 | Y | |
Liriodendron tulipifera | Bob Wright | 109″ | 87′ | 61′ | 211.0 | 6/14/07 | Y | |
Cucumber Magnolia | Magnolia acuminata | Greendale Cemetery | 101″ | 103′ | 44′ | 215.0 | 11/16/09 | Y |
Magnolia acuminata | Tom & Susan McGlynn | 93″ | 94′ | 68.5′ | 204.0 | 7/14/10 | Y | |
Black Gum | Nyssa sylvatica | Greendale Cemetery | 78″ | 102′ | 41′ | 190.3 | 11/16/09 | Y |
Hop-hornbeam | Ostrya virginiana | Unknown | 45″ | 61′ | 31′ | 114.0 | 5/18/06 | N |
Norway Spruce | Picea abies | John Brown Heritage Assoc | 135″ | 95′ | 57′ | 244.0 | 7/14/10 | Y |
Picea abies | Cheryl Shipley | 112″ | 102′ | 53′ | 227.0 | 6/14/07 | Y | |
Picea abies | Pam Marburger | 111″ | 95′ | 61′ | 221.0 | 5/18/06 | N | |
White Spruce | Picea glauca | VACANT | ||||||
Colorado Blue Spruce | Picea pungens | VACANT | ||||||
Red Pine | Pinus resinosa | Allegheny College | 65″ | 75′ | 37′ | 149.0 | 6/11/09 | Y |
Pitch Pine | Pinus rigida | VACANT | ||||||
Eastern White Pine | Pinus strobus | Randolph Township | 185″ | 71′ | 92′ | 279.0 | 6/14/07 | Y |
Pinus strobus | Mark & Wendy Nickerson | 111″ | 83′ | 38′ | 203.5 | 6/22/09 | Y | |
Scots Pine | Pinus sylvestris | Orla Troyer Jr. | 74″ | 53′ | 46′ | 138.5 | 9/11/08 | Y |
Virginia Pine | Pinus virginiana | VACANT | ||||||
Sycamore | Platanus occidentalis | French Creek Conservancy | 217″ | 120′ | 109′ | 364.0 | 11/16/05 | Y |
Platanus occidentalis | John Anderson | 221″ | 110′ | 116′ | 360.0 | 11/16/05 | Y | |
Platanus occidentalis | Jeffrey & Janet Peters | 178″ | 110′ | 84′ | 309.0 | 5/20/09 | Y | |
Platanus occidentalis | Allegheny College | 137″ | 116″ | 81′ | 273.0 | 7/20/05 | Y | |
Cottonwood | Populus deltoides | Bonnie Boylan | 214″ | 107′ | 98′ | 345.5 | 11/16/05 | Y |
Bigtooth Aspen | Populus grandidentata | VACANT | ||||||
Quaking Aspen | Populus tremuloides | VACANT | ||||||
Black Cherry | Prunus serotina | John Reese | 175″ | 88′ | 72′ | 281.0 | 7/14/10 | Y |
Prunus serotina | David Yasenchack | 139″ | 108′ | 61′ | 262.0 | 5/18/06 | N | |
Prunus serotina | Greendale Cemetery | 101″ | 89′ | 53′ | 203.0 | 11/16/09 | Y | |
Douglas Fir | Pseudotsuga menziesii | VACANT | ||||||
White Oak | Quercus alba | J. Donald Lundell | 242″ | 87′ | 108′ | 356.0 | 6/14/07 | Y |
Quercus alba | Denny Atkin | 208′ | 99′ | 105′ | 333.0 | 1/17/06 | N | |
Quercus alba | Cochranton Elem. School | 243″ | 61′ | 78′ | 323.5 | 8/23/04 | Y | |
Quercus alba | Bob Wright | 159″ | 98′ | 89′ | 279.0 | 6/14/07 | Y | |
Chestnut Oak | Quercus montana | Allegheny College | 99″ | 75′ | 72′ | 192.0 | 6/11/09 | Y |
Pin Oak | Quercus palustris | Allegheny College | 96″ | 87′ | 74′ | 201.5 | 6/11/09 | Y |
Northern Red Oak | Quercus rubra* | Ronald Bauer | 237″ | 125′ | 82′ | 382.5 | 8/23/04 | Y |
Quercus rubra* | Conneaut Lake Park | 229″ | 127′ | 94′ | 379.5 | 8/23/04 | Y | |
Quercus rubra | Black Ash Sportsman’s | 185″ | 89′ | 91′ | 297.0 | 9/11/08 | Y | |
Quercus rubra | Guy & Wilma Dunkle | 178″ | 97′ | 88′ | 297.0 | 2/10/09 | Y | |
Black Oak | Quercus velutina | Greendale Cemetery | 87″ | 105′ | 46′ | 203.5 | 11/16/09 | Y |
Quercus velutina | West Mead Twsp. | 75″ | 78′ | 55′ | 167.0 | 6/14/07 | Y | |
Black Locust | Robinia pseudoacacia | VACANT | ||||||
Black Willow | Salix nigra * | Army Corps of Engineers | 324″ | 67′ | 76′ | 410.0 | 8/23/04 | Y |
Sassafras | Sassafras albidum | Mike Lokuta | 66″ | 82′ | 32′ | 156.0 | 8/3/05 | N |
Baldcypress | Taxodium distichum | Allegheny College | 124″ | 69′ | 46′ | 204.5 | 6/10/09 | Y |
American Basswood | Tilia americana | Allegheny College | 113″ | 77′ | 63′ | 207.5 | 6/11/09 | Y |
Eastern Hemlock | Tsuga canadensis | Cheryl Shipley | 156″ | 89′ | 60′ | 260.0 | 6/14/07 | Y |
Tsuga canadensis | John Hennip | 118″ | 91′ | 41′ | 219.0 | 5/30/07 | Y | |
Tsuga canadensis | Allegheny College | 100″ | 78′ | 51′ | 191.0 | 7/20/05 | Y | |
American Elm | Ulmus americana | VACANT | ||||||
Updated 7/16/10
* Indicates trees listed with the Pennsylvania Forestry Association ‘Big Trees of Pennsylvania’ publication.