Environmental Programs

Welcome!  Join us for some environmental education programs…

Register today at 814-763-5269. 

ALL education programs require pre-registration.


“Soil Painting!”

Wednesday, February 26, 4:30—5:30 p.m.—Inside the Nature Center (front door)
Say “yes!” to this fun and “different” painting experience with District Environmental Educator Kathy Uglow.  Find out some interesting things about soil as well as create a unique “soil painting!”   All ages and all “skill levels” will enjoy this program.


“Prescribed Fire”

Wednesday, March 5, 4:30 – 5:30 p.m.—Inside the Nature Center (front door)
What is Prescribed Fire???  Find out at this event!  Zach St. Laurent, Fire Forester, Department of Conservation & Natural Resources, will present about how private landowners can conduct their own burns and what is needed for that project.

“Looking for Leprechauns!” (Will YOU find them?)

Monday, March 17 (St. Patrick’s Day!), 4:30 p.m.  Meet at Shelter #1, Stainbrook Park and wear outdoor clothing!
Help us!  The Park has some unexpected little guests! Join Environmental Education Specialist Kathy Uglow at Shelter #1, Stainbrook Park for some outdoor time finding the leprechauns who have hidden themselves all around the Park!  You will receive a treat for leprechauns you “capture!”  

“Fly Tying”

Tuesday, March 25 4:30 – 5:30 p.m.  — inside the Nature Center (front door)
This is a hands-on workshop with Mark Signorino from the Gem City Fly Tiers.  He is a Certified Casting Instructor and a licensed guide from Erie, PA.  We will be able to try our hands at making our own fishing flies, if we want.  See this creative process in action.  It is loads of fun!

Click on the titles or links below to enjoy some of our fun, educational videos…  

NEW!  A fun short clip by Cailey Metter (volunteer intern)! Nature Center Adventure

NEW! Upcycled Milk Jug Bird Feeders

NEW!  Blue Herons at Woodcock Creek

How to Tap a Maple Tree

Black Bears


Check out this fun, interactive website about beavers from the High Desert Museum in Oregon.    http://highdesertmuseum.org/beaver-interactive/

 Soil and Apple Demonstration!

  • Soil conservation is very important…see this fun video about just how much of our soil is available for planting.

Making Repurposed Flower Pots 

  • Use those old “disinfecting wipes” containers and empty yogurt cups for a fun, useful project!  And, for your own Herb Garden Greenhouse Kit, see the video below…”

Make a Small Herb Garden Greenhouse!  

  • Kits for this are available at our office for $3.00 each.  Call 814-763-5269 (Kathy) to make arrangements for curbside pickup.

ONE DROP To Drink!

  • Watch this short video to see an activity that illustrates how much water on the Earth is actually available to drink!  

Photo Nature Journaling

The CCC…a video featuring the late Leo Beane, produced by Levi Lundell

“Kathy and Sydney” Shorter videos:

Repurposed checkers game…played “socially distant by Kathy and Sydney”

Nature Scavenger Hunt – https://fb.watch/1OyRxfgwD_/ and click on the “words to the right” for your own  ABC Nature Hunt Sheet

Nature Haiku  https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=301376344246465      

***IF you would like to see THE NATURE HAIKU from the PAST PROGRAM that KATHY & SYDNEY TALKED ABOUT... click on the words on the right… dragonfly version

Painting on Pallets!  —  https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=2675297332716836

Repurposing T-shirts into pet toys, jewelry, headbands, belts, etc. —  https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=2760107337556210

Making Awesome Envelopes from Old Calendarshttps://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=771838993627306

Painting Nature Tote Bags with Greenery and Leaveshttps://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=608824969798091

Making Cardboard and Duck Tape Sleds? — https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=339279610437878